A New Church starting in O’Halloran Hill in February 2024 for the glory of God!
Welcome |
We are a local, Bible-believing church in the southern suburbs of Adelaide South Australia. We exist to make disciples of Jesus who
Sundays |
Join us as we gather to worship God, fellowship with each other and be equipped by His Word. 10 am every Sunday, Christ Church O’Halloran Hill, 1708 Main S Rd, O’Halloran Hill SA 5158. We would love to meet you.
What’s Your Story? |
We all have a story, we would love to hear yours. Our stories tell of who we once were and who we are today. They show how we have been shaped, and they shape how we view the world. For some, they are long and intricate, and others concise and linear. Filled with highs; success, joy and celebration, and lows of pain and heartache. No matter our story, our place of birth, our upbringing or our past sporting successes (or failures), we are all a part of a greater story. One which isn’t built around us, but Jesus Christ. It is His story, we call it the Gospel, and when we make it our own, it changes everything. It brings us alive! Gives us freedom, comfort, and hope. It draws us into a relationship with the giver of life, welcomes us into a new community and gives our every breath purpose.
2 Year bible Plan
Sermon podcast
The Gospel
I'm New
worship playlist
First Step podcast
Join us!
Our Beliefs
Core distinctives
Our Values
Loved and chosen by God in Christ, so that we might make him – his ways, his salvation, his glory and his greatness – known in all the earth. God and his grand story is the object of our faith, the focus of our praise, the purpose of our community and the drive for our mission. The following 6 values are all an extension of being Gospel-Centred.
Everyone is Equipped
We believe in scripture alone and teaching and equipping disciples of Christ in the full counsel of God to obey all that Christ has commanded his Church. This is led by a plurality of elders appointed by God and approved by the congregation to lead and govern the body. Gatherings, whether it be on a Sunday or during the week aim to equip the saints for the work of the ministry through Biblical teaching and Biblical literacy. We believe the Bible is for everyone, and therefore encourage that all are reading through the word.
We are Committed to One Another
Jesus said, “By
We are a Family of Missionaries
We don’t ask if you will go, we ask when. Missions aren’t for a select few, rather we are all commissioned to join in God’s saving work in our daily lives, and in all the nations. As a faith
We are Completely Reliant on God in Prayer
Nothing that we do is by our effort or power but must be completely covered in prayer, reliant on God. We believe in His sovereignty in all things, and therefore we seek Him to build His Church. We pursue a culture that expects answers to prayer, and we believe in the empowering of the Holy Spirit for the building up of the Church.
We Worship Inspired by Awe for God
Living in awe of our Creator and Saviour is integral to who we are as the redeemed people of God. We aim to re-establish an awe and reverence of God as we understand His Holiness and Majesty. This plays a major part in how we conduct our gatherings. These are simple; teaching of the Word, communion, prayer, testimonies, unity, and fellowship, and songs of praise which all lead us into a place of awe.
We Multiply Disciples
We believe in all being